Thursday, March 08, 2007

Teaching Your Children About Empathy

Webster defines empathy as "intellectual or emotional identification with another." Developing this emotional intelligence is another skill that some children seem to have a natural insight to when thinking of other people's feelings. Then there are other children who have difficulty seeing outside themselves.

On the news and certain websites teenagers are displaying relational aggression for status and power within their peer groups. These children have no empathy for others. Their world is limited to the power that they feel from their aggression.

If you see your child doing something thoughtless or cruel, let them know right away that you do not feel that was an appropriate response. Be honest and firm about the behavior without belittling the child. Then take the opportunity to teach them the appropriate response. Modeling empathy in your daily life will be the best way for your child to learn how to be kind and think of other people's feelings.

Best wishes,


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