Monday, January 12, 2009

Understanding Male Depression

The National Institute of Mental Health reports that 6 million men and 12 million women in America are affected by depression each year. While it may seem that males are less affected by depression, researchers are trying to establish the variables with men and establish appropriate treatment for them.
Male depression may go undiagnosed for several reasons:
  • Men are reluctant to discuss depressive symptoms.
  • Men see mental illness as a threat to their masculinity.
  • Men mask depressive symptoms with alcohol or substance abuse.
  • Men resist mental health treatment due to concerns with the stigma that it could damage their career or lose respect of family and friends.

Symptoms of male depression include:

  • Violent or abusive behavior
  • Escapist behaviors of over involvement in a sport or work
  • Inappropriate rage
  • Risky behaviors
  • Sexual liaisons
  • Substance abuse
  • Thoughts of suicide

Men are more likely to complete suicide because they use more lethal methods and display fewer warning signs before completing the act. If you have a man in your life that is displaying these symptoms ask him to seek help immediately. Treatment with a doctor or mental health provider can help him learn healthy coping skills to elevate his mood. He may also need the support from medication management. There are many effective treatments for depression so don't think you can tough it out. Seek help and enjoy life.

Best wishes,


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