Monday, October 01, 2007

Family Therapy is Effective in Fighting Eating Disorders

Dr. Grange from the University of Chicago has completed the first study in the United States on evaluating the treatment of eating disorders. His team found that family-based treatment for anorexia nervosa and bulimia were more effective than solo psychotherapy in helping teens.

The family-based therapy consisted of three phases: in the first phase the patient and their parents met weekly with the goal of helping parents stop their children from engaging in unhealthy weight control behaviors. The family then moves to the second phase of returning control over eating issues, back to the adolescent. The third phase the family meets with the therapist monthly to discuss how eating disorders affect the developmental proces of the adolescent.

Eating disorders can be extremely harmful to the physical and emotional well-being of your child. If you notice any warning signs of bingeing, purging or just refusal to eat contact a mental health professional that has experience with treating this disorder. Do not be afraid to find help for your child. It could save his or her life.

Best wishes,


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