Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Suicide Rate for Girls Increased

Federal health officials reported this week that the suicide rate among preteen and teenage girls rose to its highest level in a decade. This statistic effects our girls from ages 10-14 years of age. The preferred method of suicide was hanging or suffocation (71%) which surpassed guns.

This is a wake up call for parents to become more aware of their children's emotional needs and the pressures that they face daily. Dr. Keri Lubell who led the study states, "Parents and other caring adults should look for changes in youth such as talking about taking one's life, feeling sad or hopeless about the future. Also look for changes in eating or sleeping habits and even losing the desire to take part in favorite activities."

The National Center for Disease Control and Prevention is advising that health officials consider focusing on suicide prevention programs for girls 10-19 and boys between 15-19 to reverse these startling statistics. They also suggested that parents monitor or restrict children's access to pills, weapons or other lethal means of self harm.

Another important intervention would be to stay emotionally connected to your child by being involved in their school activities, friends and academics. You can also plan family time together or special outings together to keep your relationships strong. Families that center their life around their faith and church have a strong foundation of love that also helps them endure the trials of life. If you see that your child is struggling and drifting from your family system, you may want to seek professional help as an intervention. Your child could need help coping with the anxiety and depression that counseling can provide for your family.

Best wishes,

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