Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Understand Your Sources of Stress

Stress is your body's reaction to the constant demands of the world. Stressors are events or conditions in your life which may trigger stress. It can be the demands of your children, bills that are due or the pile of work on your desk that never seems to end. The Mayo Clinic reports that there are two main types of stress that people face:

Acute stress triggers the fight or flight response in your body when it is reacting to a threat, challenge or a scare. It can give you an immediate adrenaline rush that can be very exciting.
Chronic stress is a result of exposure to long term acute stress. It is usually a result of day-to-day life situations that often seem unrelenting such as relationship problems, work difficulties, and financial concerns.

Consistent stress can create health problems. Physical symptoms such headaches and fatigue. Mental symptoms like poor concentration and emotional symptions such as irritability and depression. There are also social concerns like isolation and resentment.

There is not a day that passes that we do not experience some sort of stress. Prepare yourself mentally to accept the challenge and think through the issue with a positive attitude. Share your concerns with friends. You can exercise to decrease stress, eat healthy and get a good night's rest to help you prepare for tomorrow. Go outside and play with your children. Take a deep breath and blow bubbles together. The simple joys of life have a way of minimizing our problems and giving us hope for a better tomorrow.

Take care,

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