Monday, January 15, 2007

How to Raise a Happy Child

Every parent looks for advice on how to raise a happy, independent child in a materialistic world. It is one of the toughest jobs you will ever has as an adult because you won't receive the results of your hard work for more than a decade. That is a long time to wait for feedback.
Edward M. Hallowell M.D. gives five simple steps for building lifelong joy inside every child.
  • Connection - Unconditional love from an adult helps to foster self-confidence, and the knowledge that your child is loved and cared for.
  • Strengths - Support your child as they learn new things and develop their strengths. This will give them knowledge in how to deal with disappointment and pain. They also learn to never give up and the need to keep trying.
  • Imagination - A child will learn through their play. Unstructured play strengthens their imagination, teaches critical problem-solving skills and social skills.
  • Mastery - When a child masters a task they develop confidence, leadership skills, initiative and knowledge of hard work.
  • Recognition- Recognizing a child for their hard work and positive choices will continue to build relationships and self-worth.

You cannot buy happiness for your child. Spend time with your child and value your child for the person that he/she is and will become.

Best wishes


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