Sunday, August 06, 2006

Can We Have a Snack Now?

As a parent I wonder how many times a day we hear this question. Americans love to snack or have a "treat" several times a day even if we are not hungry. Current studies report that Americans are more inactive and obese than ever before. If you do not want your household to be a current statistic there are several things you can do.

Families have become addicted to the screen. The television, computer, Ipod, or Blackberry are just a few of today's electronics that are absorbing our time and leave us very sedentary. Try limiting your family's time using these gadgets and plan a game night. You could also learn a new exercise, go for a walk, bike ride or even join the local YMCA. Try having your family cook the evening meal together, clean it up and then read together. Working and playing together as a family helps you create memories that your children will relive with their children.

Food is also a way that people connect with each other daily. Smaller children due to their growth and development needs will need a snack every few hours. To avoid teaching your child poor eating habits talk to them about nutrition and meeting the needs of their body. There are several healthy snacks that you can have ready for your family.
  • Raw vegetables with low-fat dip
  • Fresh fruit
  • Popsicles made with 100% fruit juice
  • Pudding made with low-fat milk
  • Jello
  • Dry cereal mixed with dry fruit
  • Animal crackers and a glass of milk
  • Cottage cheese and fruit
  • Peanut butter on apple slices, crackers or bread
  • Tortillas rolled around turkey or beans

To put these ideas in place have a family meeting. Discuss the concerns that you have and what you would like to change as a family. You will need to give everyone a chance to speak and listen to their ideas. Write the ideas down and use them to schedule activities for the week. Ask their preferences on snacks and have them grocery shop with you. That way they know what is available to snack on and keeps them from asking, "Can I have a snack?"

See you next week.


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