Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year reflection

January 1st is quickly approaching and you have probably been contemplating what resolution you might want to attempt this year. Some of the more popular goals are to lose weight, stop smoking, find a better job, exercise, or make time to eat better. Whatever resolution you choose, seeing yourself as you want to be is the key to personal growth in 2012.


A study by the American Medical Association found that one in five people will turn their New Year commitment into action. The rest will have good intentions but stop working on their resolution in a few weeks. “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” Carl Bard
First, reflect on this year’s experiences. What did you learn from them? How did you apply this knowledge to create a better life for yourself? Then contemplate what you envision for yourself in the New Year and what steps you need to take to get there.


This year give yourself the gift of love and acceptance. Believe in yourself. You are not a quitter. You are a strong, capable and resilient person. Persevere and you will attain your goal. Write your goals and intentions down. Read them aloud daily and visualize your success. Talk about the positive that is in your life and be grateful. Take a class, read a book, and save the money to take that trip. Put your family first. Try to understand each other more and forgive the things that keep peace from entering your life. Be kind instead of right. Have more fun and enjoy the journey of possibilities that the New Year can bring to your life.

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