Currently only 25% of the children in our country are living with both of their biological parents. That means that the majority of children today are living in single parent households or with a blended family. This has created a multiple of tensions to the family system and a strain to relationships. The education system reports it has been difficult to involve divorced parents in their child's education.
Education Secretary Arne Duncan is asking for fathers to become more involved in their children's education. Duncan stated that the school system has done a poor job of including fathers in the education process. Fathers play an important role in a child's education. His actions can help motivate a child's success or discourage them from educational achievement. "When fathers step up, students don't drop out. When fathers step up, young folks have greater dreams for themselves," Duncan said. U.S. Department of Education founded a program eleven years ago Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students). They discovered that men in schools translated to higher student achievement and fewer disciplinary problems.
National Center for Education Statistics report children in two parent homes where the father is highly involved get better grades, enjoy school more, and are less likely to repeat a grade. Fathers are more likely to promote a child's intellectual and social development through physical play. A mother's impact is more likely to transpire while talking and teaching as a caregiver.
Whether the father lives at home or has visitation with his children he can still make an impact as a parent. Fathers can get involved in their children's school and attend parent-teacher conferences. They can turn off the television and read together or have a family game night instead. Fathers can also call their children daily or coach a sport to stay emotionally connected and involved in daily events. Parents and educators working together for the well-being of the children in their care will create confident leaders of the future.
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