With Valentine's Day two weeks away, single people will again question why they haven't been able to find "The One". They will review their list of past partners and question their reasons on why the relationship fell apart. Single people will usually have a list of characteristics that they would like for that special someone to have. The problem is that no man or woman is going to have everything that you wish for. Determining what characteristics are most important to you would be the first step to finding that special partner you are seeking.
Generations of people have been fooled by happily-ever-after films that program us to believe that Mr. or Ms. Right is out there if we keep searching. Lori Gottlieb author of Marry Him: The Case for Settling for Mr. Good Enough states, "We grew up idealizing marriage, but if we'd had a more realistic understanding of its cold, hard benefits, we might have done things differently. So we walk away from uninspiring relationships that might have made us happy." Gottlieb claims that women often deny themselves any chance of finding happiness by failing to downgrade their expectations.
Experts agree that you must have the following characteristics in a successful relationship. A strong relationship must have love and the commitment to work through those difficult trials that are encountered with marriage. Relationships can't last without the willingness to forgive their partner at times, as we are all imperfect and will make mistakes. Couples must also have good communication skills to discuss important issues and make life plans together. This important skill will keep a couple connected even when physical affection is not possible. A couple should also have several interests that they enjoy doing together but also take the time for the individual interests that are entertaining. Finding "The One" shouldn't be complicated if you're confident in what you are looking for. Be what you desire in a relationship and the right person will be attracted to your characteristics.
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