Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Hugs and Kisses Decrease Stress

A recent study from the journal of Psychosomatic Medicine reports that loving touches can lower our stress hormone cortisol by 7%. Anything from sex to holding hands can do the trick! You will become calmer every minute you are enjoying a pleasureable touch. The stress-snuggle connection was studied by Beate Ditzen PhD. who studied 51 couples for a week, asking them to record their activities and take saliva samples every three hours. The results were that intimacy reduced cortisol levels by improving their mood.

Studies have already proven that a loving touch can reduce blood pressure and have other health benefits. Angry hugs don't work, which is why only happily married couples benefit from longer and healthier lives. If you don't have a mate handy for hugs, try getting the benefit from family and friends as there have been other studies that have linked friendship with good health, longevity and less stess. So in these stressful economic times just borrow a hug and feel better!

Best wishes,


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