Only 50 percent of marriages survive today. Second marriages have a 60 percent ratio of divorce due to the complications of the blended marriage. This traumatic life change creates a lot of anger and bitterness in its wake. Most families note the time in their life of before or after the divorce. So how do individuals move forward from a divorce?
Many people remain stuck in a bitter, one-sided relationship that consumes their thoughts of how unfair the experience was for them. You will know this individual after conversing with them for a short time. The mantra will be how their ex-partner has ruined their life. It is very difficult to have a relationship with this person as their past negativity stagnates any growth of renewal, change or accepting responsiblity of their part of what went wrong in the relationship.
There are healthy ways to process the loss, grief and pain that you feel from the death of your relationship. First be honest with yourself and take responsiblity for your feelings and your part in the breakup. Then do a self-esteem check and begin to rebuild your own sense of self that may have been lost in the marriage. Develope a support system or seek professional help to redefine your life goals and where you see yourself in the next few years. Find ways to nurture your soul by meditating, journaling, exercise or hobbies that you quit making time for. Find some way to have closure with the relationship. It can be a simple ceremony of removing your wedding ring, burning of photos, or writing a letter to yourself of the loss you feel. This ceremony can represent you leaving the past and moving forward into your new life. Then recognize the opportunities that await you and what a joy life can truly be. It is always a choice of attitude and what you visualize for yourself.
Warm regards,
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