Monday, September 24, 2007

Childhood Obesity Creates Long-Term Health Issues

Childhood obesity has been a current topic on most news programs lately. They consistently state that the eating habits and sedentary lifestyle of our children today are going to have long-term effects on our society. Dr. McGill at Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research states that "the advertising of and offerings of high-density caloric food - opportunities to avoid physical activity, attractions to television viewing and net surfing" have compounded this health issue. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation reports that "one in three children and adolescents in the United States - some 25 million kids are overweight or obese. Dr. Marks from Princeton stated that "this could be the first generation that will live sicker and die younger that its parents."

Statements like that from our health community should be frightening to us. Obesity is known to contribute to heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. There are no positive effects that are known for for this self-destructive condition we create for ourselves. Start today by making healthy choices that effect your mind, body and spirit daily. Plan healthy meals and snacks. Make time to exercise and connect with your children. It will be a life long gift to them, to model a healthy lifestyle for a long and healthy life.

Best wishes,

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