One thing is for sure, friendships matter to your children. It doesn't seem to make a difference if your child has one special friend or a dozen casual acquaintences. Studies repeatedly state that it takes the relationship of a friend to build a child's self-esteem. It gives a child feedback on feeling well liked, their strengths and areas of concern. Friendship gives a child a safe reflection of themself.
For some children making friends comes very easily to their personality and nature. Children with a more introverted or shy personality find making friends is a very difficult task. Helping your child build social skills can be as easy as coaching them on conversation starters on school projects. You can suggest meeting places for your child to participate in school activities, volunteer together at a local shelter that your child shows interest in or make a play date to have a friend over at your home. This allows your child the safety of their own environment while they explore the development of making friends.
If children develope close connections with their peers when they are young, they're likely to have strong friendships as they get older. These relationships can provide support in times of stress during those important years of childhood and adolescent development.
Good luck!
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