As the school year progresses there are several team activities that are available to your child. Here are a few questions to consider to assess whether your child is ready to engage in a team sport.
- Does he/she display an interest in organized sports?
- Is her/his emotional maturity similar to that of their peers?
- How well does your child accept defeat?
- How well does your child take directions from other adults?
- Is your child large enough and coordinated enough to minimize injury?
For children under six years of age a team activity where no score is kept and everyone is a winner is a great way to learn the skills. As children grow and mature they will become ready for the more competitive edge that is required. Up until the age of eleven years of age children are still learning how to build friendships, just as they are learning about teamwork.
Try to guide your child toward their interests and strengths. Make sure it is their desire to play a team sport and not an extension of a parent's ego. Sports can be another wonderful learning experience for participants and players alike.
Good luck!