Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Building Stronger Relationships

Living in the same home with your life partner for years and decades can make you take each other for granted instead of nurturing your love for each other. One way to improve your relationship is to acknowledge the positive traits in one another. John M. Gottman, PhD is the author of The Seven Principals For Making Marriage Work has ten steps to make that happen.
  • List one trait about your partner you find endearing.
  • Describe the first time you met.
  • Write down one thing about your partner that you find physically attractive.
  • Think of a time when your partner was supportive of you.
  • Think of one thing your partner does that makes you proud.
  • Describe one belief or value that you share.
  • Remember one fun thing you've done together.
  • Think of one difficult time you've successfully weathered together.
  • Write down a common goal and make an action plan on how you'll get it accomplished.
  • Think of one secret about your self only your partner knows.

Doing these activities together and remembering how you have traveled your life journey enduring the struggle should help you appreciate each other more. Rekindle your love and appreciate each others strengths.

Best wishes,


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