Saturday, July 01, 2006

Dear Concerned Parent,

If you are reading this letter then you are most likely concerned about certain behaviors that your child or children are displaying. I am hoping that the information that I will share on this blog will be helpful for you and your family.

Children grow and develop at their own pace. They shouldn't be compared to others, but there are general developmental milestones that every child should meet. Your child's pediatrician would be your best resource in this area. As your child enters the school system you will see a large range of social and academic needs. If you see that your child is delayed in any area immediately speak to your child's teacher to get specific ideas on how to assist and support your child in the classroom. At times you may begin to see specific behaviors from your child that may concern you. It is your child's way of communicating his or her feelings. Even though the behaviors are inappropriate you will need to determine what your child is trying to express and help them resolve the concerns appropriately. This is when you will most likely need professional help. As a parent you will need to identify the following information:

Was your child exposed to any harmful substances during the pregnancy?
Is your child demonstrating any developmental delays?
Does your family have a history of divorce, domestic violence, depression, anxiety, or learning disorders?
Is your child sleeping through the night?
Does your child cry and refuse to get ready for school?
Is your child hitting, biting, or breaking his or her belongings on purpose?
Are you seeing extreme mood swings or social isolation with your child?
Does your child have difficulty completing tasks or sitting still?

Make sure your child is eating healthy foods and getting ten to twelve hours of sleep. Sit and play with your child and model appropriate social skills. If you continue seeing the negative behaviors escalate over a span of 90 days please seek a professional opinion. I would be glad to come to your home and assess your child in their own environment or observe their behaviors at school. You are also welcome to bring your child or family to my office at Family Counseling. I am located at 5002 E Central, Ste. B, Wichita, Ks. My phone number is 316-682-9723 or email me at

I will continue to update my blog weekly to share thoughts and ideas that may help your family through difficult times. Let me know what topics would be helpful for you. I look forward to hearing from you.



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