Emotional intimacy is the most powerful bond in human
relationships…..much stronger than sexual. A new type of infidelity has
increased over the last decade and is one of the biggest threats to
marriage….emotional affairs. You can have an affair without having sex.
Sometimes the greatest betrayal happens without touching. Infidelity is
considered to be any emotional or sexual intimacy that violates trust with your
Sliding across
Affairs can happen in good marriages. They are less about love
and more about sliding across professional boundaries into the personal area of
your life. Today’s workplace has become the new danger zone of opportunities
for emotional affairs which has only been surpassed by the internet. As these
circumstances for intimate relationships increase, the boundaries between
platonic and romantic feelings blur and become easier to cross.
When you discuss what your marriage lacks to a colleague of
the opposite sex you are sending a loud message that you’re available for someone
else to love and care for your needs. This behavior is also a breach of the trust
that you share in your relationship. Discussing intimate concerns outside the
marriage will create a false sense of intimacy that states your happiness is
valued by this person.
Comparing another person against your partner will also create
a dangerous negative thinking pattern. This can make you begin to daydream
about this individual who seems to understand you. You will find yourself
looking forward to seeing them, sharing personal news and imagining their
excitement when you are together. This euphoric feeling will release dopamine
in the reward centers of your brain which will also reinforce the illusion that
this person relates to you like nobody else.
Not “just friends”
Individuals involved in an emotional affair will let their
negative thinking patterns blame the mate for their unhappiness. A sense of
entitlement evolves and resentment will build and push you from your spouse. As
a result you will begin to pull away and make excuses to avoid joining
activities with your partner.
Secrecy can then become another warning sign as it creates an
unhealthy bond that gives a false sense of emotional safety. If your partner
tries to interfere with the “friendship”, anger is directed at the invasion and
your mood becomes more irritable or unhappy.
There will come a time in the alliance when one or both
parties will fantasize about having a loving sexual relationship with each
other. This discussion will add intensity to the desire. Not heeding the
warning signs and finding time to spend alone together will push the bond from
platonic to sexual. Healing your marriage after an affair is a very difficult
process. It is best to be aware of the warning signs and understand that a
friendship with the opposite gender can evolve to more.